Jeff makes a go of it but can't survivor
Age During Show: 34
Occupation: Internet Project Manager
Lives: New York, New York
Luxury Item: Coloring Book and Crayons
During Survivor 2 Jeff played a key role in the beginning episode and many thought he would become strong enough to survive to the end. But when the tribes merged he became the next target because Kimmi mentioned to Tina he had one vote against him. Tina spread the word and when tribal council came Jeff was obvious target incase there was a tie. Jeff made a great show but because of Kimmi's loud mouth he was sent home without living up to his potential in the Outback.
Jeff is currently residing in New York, New York as an Internet Project Manager and his birthday is April 16, 1966.
Early Show quote: "I'm not going out there for a vacation. I'm not going out there to make friends. I don't care about any of these people - I'm voting them off one at a time. I'm winning this money. If it means being ruthless, if it means lying, so what?"