Big Brother Chiara Berti Booted from House
The news is in and the first Big Brother guest to have a record or soon to be record is our favourite girl: Chiara. Making headings across North America Chiara was exposed to have been drinking and driving just prior to being in the show and has a court date this September 3th. CBS knew this was the case and still wanted to see her in the house as they had no one else worthwhile. They are currently debating whether to disqualify or allow her a temporary leave of absences from the house to attend court. Apparently the judge was not impressed that she was unable to attend the recent court date set out and was not about to let this matter slide any longer September 3th. So stay tuned CHIARA may leave the house forever on September 3rd.
Chiara has a great following of friends and fans. They have managed to create numerous sites of devotion in their free time, as I in mine, to show who Chiara really is. She is loved my many and only made a mistake by having a good time on the town.

Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
The experience is something you could never pass up. Whether a positive or negative, I wanted to take the plunge. I just hope I walk away with the money.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
There is definitely a competitive edge to me, but more importantly, a mysterious side. I don't think a lot of people will be able to figure me out.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I have a tough time cheating or lying my way through things. If the game gets nasty, I might not be up for the challenge. I play fair, which usually works in my favor.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
I will definitely miss my bed and my own pillow. These are two things that I just won't be able to forget as I am bunking up.
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
Not knowing what's going on with my own friends is news enough for me. That news is more entertaining than anything else.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I guess it really depends on the competition. I would consider myself pretty athletic, although the sports I tend to participate in and watch have a lot of mental strength in them.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER? Please be specific.
I really want to play fair. I don't want to form nor join an alliance. I really want to make sure I don't pick favorites or quickly trust anyone. I don't think anyone in that house is my friend, so I will keep my head about me, play to win, but be honest.
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
The exposure is something I am definitely not used to. Although I am pretty open about stuff, I fear what might get out.
What is your motto?
Everything happens for a reason.
Three adjectives that best describe me: Fun-loving, energetic, outgoing
Favorite film: Say Anything
Favorite TV show: Six Feet Under
Favorite actor: John Cusack
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts
Favorite band: Limp Bizkit
Favorite hobbies: Tennis, going out with friends, working out
Personal hero: The policemen and firemen who gave their lives on 9/11