Why you should've voted for me:
You’ve seen the show, read the press. It’s me, Marcellas! You know you wanna watch. Who else is gonna bring the drama? The tears? The crazy one-liners? That house needs me! I’m fun! Please!
Big Brother 3 Marcellas
Well if you did not know Marcellas was one of the dumbest players to come in the house only because he gave up winning the game so as not to hurt the other players feelings. Yup, Marcellas was gay, and he loved all the girls and boys of the house and was not afraid to show it. In the end he became best buddies with Amy, and when he won the immunity he turned it down and got the boot. So why did he come to play if he did not want to win. It was all those emotions this poor boy felt that lead to his down fall and is what we in the real world call a cop-out. Too bad he did not have a spin to play the game right. Marcellas is a great guy and a friend for sure just when it comes to playing games he is no good. If you meet this man he will treat you with respect and honesty or so we hope.

Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
First and foremost, the challenge. An unreal opportunity to do something so far-removed from myself. The chance to meet new people, and to claim my $500,000!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My ego. My intelligence. My openness to new experiences. My sense of humor. My massive ego.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
My massive ego. My need for excitement. My intolerance of ignorance and meanness in others.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My big screen TV! I'm like a junkie with cop shows. I can watch Law & Order reruns a million times!
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
None, actually. Lately, the news has been so horrid that ignorance (to it) could be bliss.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
I can be very lazy. Mental competitions, definitely. I'm also a little clumsy, and if I have to run, forget it! It's like, "Run, Black Forrest (Gump), run!"
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER? Please be specific.
I intend to win by doing the unexpected in every situation. I intend to do whatever it takes to turn bad situations into positive situations in my favor. I want to be kind and truthful, but I will do everything and anything to be last man standing!
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
To come off as a stereotype. I can't help but feel some responsibility to my race, my family and friends to portray "us" in a favorable light.
What is your motto?
First one on the cover of Time wins!
Three adjectives that best describe me: Stylish, sexy, beautiful
Favorite film: Breakfast at Tiffany's
Favorite TV show: All the Law & Order franchise, except Criminal Intent.
Favorite actor: Tom Hanks, Jude Law
Favorite actress: Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn
Favorite band: Radiohead, Coldplay
Favorite hobbies: Reading, watching movies, spending massive amounts of time on the telephone
Personal hero: Be your own hero