Marvin Latimer
Age: 36 on show
From: Conway, SC
Job: Mortician
Status: Single
A deleted Profile Marvin on Match.com
Marvin got a deal to be on CBS Cooking up some food at DIGSIX SHOW (updated 2010).
MARVIN ALL STAR BIG BROTHER GUEST: Marvin made an appearance on Big Brother 7 All Stars this year. He did a taste test of slop creations from the House, with Jun and Monica. He did a few good lines and that was it.
Oh yeah, like we all wanna listen to a guy who works with the dead all the time. Everyone is upset over his loud mouth and vuglar language. He has gropped some of the women and talks about sex and woman alot. The other houseguests want him out before he becomes a threat.
What is your motto?
Live a life with no regrets.
What three adjectives best describe you?
Maverick, mercurial, dynamic
Who is your personal hero?
Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Mental strength; no fear; I say what I want; I'm real.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I'm too real for some people.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER?
A six-person alliance, then stab two in the back; be the gourmet chef
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Not getting sleep, not enough bathroom time, being voted off first
Films: Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Training Day
TV shows: The Sopranos
Actors: Denzel Washington, Al Pacino
Actresses: Halle Berry
Bands: Van Halen, Prince
Hobbies: Golf, sex
Sports to Play: Golf
Sports Teams: Dallas Cowboys
Outdoor Activities: Golf, fishing, drinking
Music: Hip-hop, rock
Cereals: No favorite
Snack Foods: Hot peanuts, pork skins
Cookies: Chocolate chip
Candy Bars: Snickers
Alcoholic Drinks: Corona Extra, Fisher Amber
Non-Alcoholic: Ginger ale
BigBrother 14 Cast
BigBrother 13 Cast
BigBrother 12 Cast
BigBrother 11 Cast
BigBrother 10 Cast
BigBrother 9 Cast
BigBrother 8 Cast
BigBrother 6 Cast
BigBrother 5 Cast
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1 Castt
Reality TV Info
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