Big Brother Eric is out
Eric had a nice one on one relationship with the winner of Season 3: Lisa during his time in the show. Eric was seen a strong assest and a threat to win so when the HOH shifted to the other side group his name was put up and he got the boot. He hooked up with Lisa but when they left the house and the Big Brother fanfare, he moved back home to be a firefighter. Lisa was alone but had the money to boot.

Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
I want the $! I also am in need of large quantities of this $!
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
People have a good time while in my presence. I can also put on many different "masks," depending on what I am trying to accomplish.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I sometimes talk too much, revealing things I might not want to reveal. I also act very strange while sleeping on a regular basis (i.e. walking and talking).
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
My own bed. It knows me and I know it. Very comfortable.
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
Breaking news about the anti-terrorism war.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
Physical, but I'm no slouch in the mental arena.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER? Please be specific.
Becoming friends with everyone, making them feel good about themselves when I'm around. I have to pick everyone's minds, finding out their concerns and weaknesses and use this info to my advantage.
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Disclosing my strategies in my sleep.
What is your motto?
You could die tomorrow, so why not be happy today?
Three adjectives that best describe me:
Favorite film:
Three adjectives that best describe me: Confident, healthy, sarcastic
Favorite film: Liar Liar
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Favorite actor: Ben Stiller
Favorite actress: Jeanne Tripplehorn
Favorite band: Bob Marley
Favorite hobbies: Biking, exercising, jogging