Big Brother Gerry Gets Boot
Gerry was in the house for a while and felt he had some trusted housemates, but in the end Gerry was seen as too weird to keep in and he got the boot. At one time Gerry was told by all to start washing his hands after going to the bathroom. CBS showed a clip of him coming out of the bathroom, then did not wash and walked straight to the salad bowl. He then tossed the salad with his unwashed hands, eating as he went, then served it up for dinner. Kinda gross if you ask me, and the house did not want to see or eat like that again. Gerry being a school teacher addressed this issue after he was back and did not realize he was that way and always looked as a clean person. Guess the house can do some wonders to your head, Mr. Dirty Hands. Anyways, Gerry lost and was a little lost himself - some might say a bit slow.

Why did you want to be on BIG BROTHER?
Well, obviously, to win the money, but also it seems like an intriguing challenge, a test of my endurance and will. It will also be a great break from teaching summer school.
What strengths do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
I'm very personable, used to dealing with people and their different issues. Part of my job teaching is often getting students (and adults) to do things they don't want to. I'm very good at getting people to see things my way without them realizing it. I use humor as a tool to put people at ease--a useful tool, not a weapon.
What weaknesses do you bring to BIG BROTHER?
Maybe I'm too trusting of people's motives. I also do not suffer fools lightly, I like to speak my mind and I am opinionated. I'll need to watch being overbearing.
What comfort item from home will you miss the most?
I'll miss my tools and the time I spend fixing things around the house and doing projects with my wife.
What type of news from the outside world will you miss the most?
I'm an avid sports fan and an ardent follower of America's greatest sport, politics.
Do you tend to perform better in physical or mental competitions?
Actually, I'm pretty good at both. I'm very strong, but not flexible, even though I'm pretty agile for a big man. I have the odd capacity to remember lots of facts and trivia, because I'm curious.
How do you plan to win BIG BROTHER? Please be specific.
I plan to learn all I can about my fellow HouseGuests, both their strengths and weaknesses, and use my personable nature to disarm them. I intend to be, or to remind them of, the father and teacher they always wanted to have. I want them to feel safe with me and to be the last one they'd want to be rid of.
What is your biggest fear as you begin BIG BROTHER?
Being a bad example for students.
What is your motto?
Never play poker with a man named Doc.
Three adjectives that best describe me: Witty, competent, gregarious
Favorite film: The Godfather
Favorite TV show: CSI
Favorite actor: Sean Connery
Favorite actress: Jodie Foster
Favorite band: U2
Favorite hobbies: Square dancing, playing guitar, target shooting, collecting 1950s and 1960s kitsch
Personal hero: My grandfather