George is Out because of no Strategy

George tried his hand at another Big Brother and he did not do so well. He tried his best and found that dressing up was very comical. He lost over 20 pounds eating that slope but was told he should lose more in the last meal competition. George had no allies, no plans and just felt he could float by but with some competitions requiring membering what people look like and what they did in the house he became clueless. He was a class act and a winner all around. He did tell us he was hit by lightening and that he worked for the banner guy in Big Brother 2. He just wasn't able to win Big Brother All Stars do to his lack of Brain Power, if only he studied he might have had a chance.
George's Time in Big Brother All Stars:
George Boswell was the last contestants allowed in the Big Brother All Stars House and brings back an hold face CBS had long forgotten. George is the only player in his 40's and was seen as an outsider, a floater as they now call it. He has become Howie's Jedi Apprentice and was seen on Week 3 wearing a Aluminum Foil Super Hereo outfit. George was put up for nomination at the end of Week 3 and that Saturday George Won the Veto Challenge to save himself for another week. Everyone knows George came to play Big Brother and it remains to be seen how far he will get.
During George's stay in the house he admited he was hired by the banner guy from Season 1 to take calls and put banners together. George had a blast that summer making banners that we all remember Dr. Will loved so much.